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Fortnite Battle Royale Squad Tips

Fortnite Battle Royale Squad Tips 

My Fortnite: Battle Royale Squad Tips, Tricks and Strategy guide contains a whole host of pointers which’ll help you and your squad on the way to achieving those victory royales.

Fortnite: Battle Royale's a completely different experience when you’re playing with a group of friends. When you’re going it solo you’ve only got to think about what’s best for you and no one else. So long as you’re alive and your enemies aren’t, that’s fine. With three others in tow, you’ve got a lot more to think about.

Below we’ve put together a guide that’ll highlight a few key things to think about when you’re playing as a squad. One common thread that runs through all our points is communication. If you’re all constantly on the same page - even as your situation changes throughout the match - that’s already a significant boost to your odds of coming out on top.

Here's my solo and duo strategy guides to help you out with those sections of the game as well.

Squad Tips and Tricks

Here’s some strategy advice that’ll help you and your mates emerge as the number one squad.

Communication is key. When you spot enemies around you, relay information through the compass and keep description to a nice minimum. What direction are they heading? Any points of interest nearby? Short and sweet is the best way if you want to avoid confusion.

Try and make use of the time you have in the pre-game lobby. Discuss where you’re going to land, if you’re going to buddy up with another teammate and how you’d like to play the match - aggressively or passively.

As you travel between points on the map, do your utmost to harvest as many building materials as possible. We can’t stress this point enough!

Trees, cars, boulders, pallets, anything. Just make sure your whole squad has a tonne of resources to hand as this’ll open up so many more opportunities to gain a positional advantage over your enemies. Plus, you won’t have to worry about running out of materials too often either.

When you’re looting, make sure you call out what you’ve picked up or left behind. Save healing items, ammunition and weapons for allies if they need them.

While it’s good to stick together, try and avoid running as one big clump. Instead, it’s better to keep some distance between you all so you don’t get mown down in one fell swoop.

In a similar vein to the point above, always look for opportunities to flank the enemy as this’ll force opposing teams into an uncomfortable course of action. It’ll split their focus and force them to commit to the unknown. It’s amazing how teams can crumble when they they’re not entirely sure where their enemies are - or what they're getting up to.

When building structures it’s best to have just one or two squad-mates doing so as this minimizes confusion.

If you’re in a firefight and teammates are suddenly getting knocked down, it’s best to play for yourself rather than rush to revive allies. Only go for revives if you’re certain that it’s safe to do so, otherwise you’re just leaving yourself open to attack.

It may seem ridiculously obvious, but remember that there are multiple enemies. If you’ve knocked down one opponent, be aware that the next enemy could be right around the corner.

If you knock down an opponent and they’re eliminated instantly without going down, then you know for sure that their squad has been wiped out.

That's all we have for now and we'll constantly update this guide as I sink more time into the game.

Have any question?Mail me saajaaruu@gmail.com. Comment or Discord me Rubayet#2866.

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