LoL Tips for Beginner
LoL Tips for Beginner
Now once you have download League of Legends which is also known as LoL, open it. If you don't know how to download LoL watch Youtube or download a launcher name Garena and then you'll get LoL download in this launcher. Once you have download open it and then don't miss the training. Training is the most important if you want play LoL. You'll have to play with bots till level 3. Now come the main point. There are three lanes in Summoners Rift. Top, Mid, Bot. Tank champions such as Garen or Darus play in top. AP and AD both champions play in top. AP are Brand, Orianaete and Ad are Yasuo, Zed etc. Then comes ADC. ADC plays in bot which is bottom. ADC=Attack Damage Carry. They need AD items. AD=Attack Damage. ADC has support. Their support doesn't take their CS. CS=Creep Scores. And Creep Scores are the minions.Top-Tank champs Mid-AP/Ad champs Bot-ADC and Support.
Then comes the Jungle. There can be only one Jungler in LoL. They those who call for assistance or are in danger. Jungle champs get XP by killing the monsters that are in the bush. At first the jungler needs help. When they are in level 1 they cannot kill the monsters alone so they need help. Other one from bot comes and take half life of that monster and the rest he leaves for the jungler. Now comes the Summoners Spell. I would suggest you to take Heal and Flash. Better take heal in D and Flash in F. Heal heals you and it is very useful when you are about to die and your enemy is behind you. And imagine that you took much life of your enemy and now he is running and you a not able to kill him, Flash helps you to get closer in a flash. But for jungle there another spell and that is Smite. This gives you health and damage monsters. This all the tips for beginners. If you have any question ask in the comment or mail us or add me on Discord Rubayet#2866.